To talk about American history and race relations without using the word Ethnic Cleansing is either ignorant or dishonest. Though this word is easily applied to foreign tragedies, it is not ever used to describe these very same acts and attrocity's when committed in our own us history.
I added the Tulsa Race Riots, The Rosewood Massacre, and the Cherokee and Choctaw Trails of Tears to the Ethnic Cleansing Page on Wikipedia. These were wiki pages already existing, and listed on other wikipages on "Mass Racial Violence in the US", and on "The Trails of Tears"
There are many more important US events to add to this list, and I would love help building that resource. I think it would be specifically valuable to create a list of US incidents of Ethnic Cleansing on the Wikipedia, And to expand this discovery to include a Wiki page on systematic oppression that would recognize all the incidents of institution oppression under the policies "Urban Renewal".
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Stinson Beach Hot Springs?!?!
heres the tide chart, check it out.
W 12 Low 3:30 AM 2.2 6:48 AM Set 6:13 AM 97
12 High 9:48 AM 6.7 5:00 PM Rise 4:22 PM
12 Low 4:34 PM -1.2
12 High 11:42 PM 4.8
Th 13 Low 4:14 AM 2.5 6:49 AM Set 7:31 AM 99
13 High 10:28 AM 6.9 5:00 PM Rise 5:10 PM
13 Low 5:20 PM -1.5
F 14 High 12:38 AM 4.9 6:50 AM Set 8:46 AM 99
14 Low 5:00 AM 2.7 4:59 PM Rise 6:09 PM
14 High 11:11 AM 6.9
14 Low 6:09 PM -1.7
Sa 15 High 1:35 AM 4.9 6:51 AM Set 9:54 AM 96
15 Low 5:51 AM 3.0 4:58 PM Rise 7:17 PM
15 High 12:00 PM 6.8
15 Low 7:01 PM -1.6
Su 16 High 2:34 AM 4.8 6:52 AM Set 10:51 AM 90
16 Low 6:48 AM 3.1 4:58 PM Rise 8:31 PM
16 High 12:53 PM 6.5
16 Low 7:56 PM -1.3
M 17 High 3:33 AM 4.9 6:53 AM Set 11:37 AM 81
17 Low 7:57 AM 3.2 4:57 PM Rise 9:45 PM
17 High 1:52 PM 6.1
17 Low 8:54 PM -0.9
I'm gonna share something awsome with you,
because I shared with you such an awesome thing, cool videos is what you owe me.
Science 10yrs ago, used to say that it was thermo-dynamically impossible for bumble bees to fly. Bumble Bees were simply too heavy.
Bumble bees live in a sorority colonies with a dominant laying mum,
They have a thick and heavy coat of insulation that allows them to brave the cold, and begin their pollinating work earlier in the spring. Bumble Bees are very important pollinators. Honey bees come out weeks behind them when the weather is warmer, and therefore aren't good for certain early season fruits, like some apples that blossom long before they show their leaves.
And then the sciencists,
they discovered the vortex power of the bumble bee wing stroke.
Fly's and bees and the rest, paddle through the air, like you or I might paddle along the water, if we were being sneaky.
When you are sneaking around in a Canoe, you don't pull your paddle out of the water,
cause they would drip water, and your quarry would hear you. To keep it sneaky, during the back stroke, ie to return the paddle to the beginning of a new power stroke, you turn the paddle to cut the water when you draw it forward, then turn it out for to push the water during the power stroke. You'll see little vortex's come off the paddle stroke into the water wake. With a real solid stroke you can get five to seven little swimming vortii. Vortex Power enhances the force of the bumble Bee wing stroke, an as air is a "liquid", the bee's cut the wing angle to slice through the air on the back stroke. Its pretty cool.
Check the video out again, it takes magic to see it happen, without camera's.
Which is why you owe me.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Berkeley has the Same Population Density As Berlin
Berkeley is the 35th densest City in the United States, according to Wikipedia Demographic Chart of US cities, this list did not however did not have Berkeley on it, which I edited in after checking the 2000 Census Bureau Data(it seems the census bureau changes their links, so you may have to navigate the pages). So I would look for other significant data. Also the Wikipedia Berkeley page seemed to have been vandalized, to represent a population density of about half of what it truly is, Which I corrected. According to Wikipedia Berlin just equals our Berkeley Density.
The Census Bureau site is easy enough to search, but they provide the raw data per city, and I cant find any charts that list the densest cities in the US. According the Census Bureau, Berkeley' urban density is about 5 times as big as Alameda County's 1,956.3, And almost twice the density of San Jose 5118sq mi. All density data herein will be marked in pop per sq mi. Oakland's density is only 72% of Berkeley's.
Some Data Sets Suck hard??? On the world City Mayors Site Berkeley would Rank as 65th in the world List of cities if it were simply inserted above Berlin, which has a slightly smaller population density. But the world list of cities is rife with inaccuracies. If San Francisco was placed according to the US Census Data, it would rank as the 6th densest City in the world. And New York would Rank as the second Densest City in the world. On this curious chart Berkeley would have a far greater population density then Oakland, San Jose, Sydney, Toronto, Vancouver, and New York which all rate in the 100's. Berkeley's Density is twice as great as Chicago and Melborne which rate in the 120's.
As for Data Sets that Suck, we can check out the main argument for the Measure G climate action Plan. You can find it on Wikipedia under urban density. What the Timothy B. presents is a widely disputed 1980's study by Newman and Kenworthy’s, which plots only 32 cities world wide. Wikipedia sites such a great argument against this that I will include it,
The great wiki source continues with a second map in which the same data is replotted with sq mi area per person. What you get is regional clusters that show how different cultures build different communities and their consume different amount of auto fuel
So the real question for me is where did we did we find these developers tools posing as climate action planners?? I would prefer a Berkeley with less expensive real estate, better air quality, and less congestion.
And where else do we get real accurate data sets for comparing populations.
Please respond in the comment section.
The Census Bureau site is easy enough to search, but they provide the raw data per city, and I cant find any charts that list the densest cities in the US. According the Census Bureau, Berkeley' urban density is about 5 times as big as Alameda County's 1,956.3, And almost twice the density of San Jose 5118sq mi. All density data herein will be marked in pop per sq mi. Oakland's density is only 72% of Berkeley's.
Some Data Sets Suck hard??? On the world City Mayors Site Berkeley would Rank as 65th in the world List of cities if it were simply inserted above Berlin, which has a slightly smaller population density. But the world list of cities is rife with inaccuracies. If San Francisco was placed according to the US Census Data, it would rank as the 6th densest City in the world. And New York would Rank as the second Densest City in the world. On this curious chart Berkeley would have a far greater population density then Oakland, San Jose, Sydney, Toronto, Vancouver, and New York which all rate in the 100's. Berkeley's Density is twice as great as Chicago and Melborne which rate in the 120's.
As for Data Sets that Suck, we can check out the main argument for the Measure G climate action Plan. You can find it on Wikipedia under urban density. What the Timothy B. presents is a widely disputed 1980's study by Newman and Kenworthy’s, which plots only 32 cities world wide. Wikipedia sites such a great argument against this that I will include it,
"Others counter that raising densities results in more expensive real estate, greater road congestion and more air pollution. At a broader level though, there is evidence to indicate a strong correlation between the total energy consumption of a city and its overall urban density, i.e. the lower the density, the more energy consumed.
However, there is an even stronger negative correlation between car use and fuel price, i.e. the higher the price of fuel, the lower the car use."
So the real question for me is where did we did we find these developers tools posing as climate action planners?? I would prefer a Berkeley with less expensive real estate, better air quality, and less congestion.
And where else do we get real accurate data sets for comparing populations.
Please respond in the comment section.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
About Frank Abagnale Jr.
If you have seen the movie catch me if you can read the first google hit you find on the mans real name, it will probably be the true TV story that I found. And the true TV story is better then the movie, not only are the escapes are grittier, bolder and more numerous, and the hustle with twice as much bustle, but there is less moral to the story. Franks story is the real life experience of a kid with a fair amount of opportunity that runs into everyday domestic trouble his parents get divorced. He starts off sloppy with thievery, moves on up to milking his dads gas card for cash, by faking sales with the help of gas station owners. Gets a taste for having enough cash to drive a nice car and treating the ladies. The story builds gradually with more and more complex hustles. He's a con artist, what steps him apart from the rest of the crooks, is his intelligence and his knack for impersonation. And he build it up big, credentials and everything he fakes a being a Pan Am Pilot, a Doctor, a Lawyer, a Teacher, he brilliantly spins the hustles farther, and farther out. And he gets away with them all of them, except the wanted posters, an is picked up in Montreal by airport police. And the escapes, crawls out of custody through the toilet of an airplane bathroom, onto a night time runway. His hustle cant be stopped, more money at every turn. He even gets busted and cons the jail guards into thinking hes an undercover cop and they let him out of jail. He evades arrest on sheer personality on a dim, surrounded by armed cops in his hotel room, he walks out through the middle of them impersonating an FBI who beat them to the catch. And in the end he still just wants to settle down and have a real life. But he wont get it cause the wanted posters are still out there and its an ex girlfriend that discovers he's a wanted man and turns him in for the prize. And he does time in Sweden, France and America. He gets out six years later, without any help from the FBI. Worn out he tries to live real life, but cant keep a job as an ex felon. Keeps getting fired when the record pulls up his felonies. With out anything but the crappiest work, he knows he can do better, and is worth more, he volunteers time with the FBI, lecturing officers on bank check fraud. Pretty soon he gets real jobs for banks exposing the fraud, and creates a real million dollar career out of it. What gets me is event the true TV story wants to pretend he is reformed. He didn't reform, he just got a real opportunity to be a successful member of society. And that all any one needs to keep them away from crime, is something to loose, a real opportunity to succeed legitimately. That's what keeps kids away from crime. Real high paying work.
And we can create that. Solar electric, Solar Thermal, and Energy Efficiency improvements like Insulation, are all homeowner retrofits, that have proven investment grade economics behind them. If we can leverage the credit that cities carry, to improve the quality of our residential and business property, by investing in their money saving solar electric, solar thermal, and insulation improvements we can create incredible amounts of real good paying working jobs for our children, neighbors, and larger communities. And best of all Solar thermal, energy efficient windows, and newspaper fluff insulation are all products that can be produced locally. You cant beat this job creating, environment saving, investment opportunity. And we can give everyone a real job.
And we can create that. Solar electric, Solar Thermal, and Energy Efficiency improvements like Insulation, are all homeowner retrofits, that have proven investment grade economics behind them. If we can leverage the credit that cities carry, to improve the quality of our residential and business property, by investing in their money saving solar electric, solar thermal, and insulation improvements we can create incredible amounts of real good paying working jobs for our children, neighbors, and larger communities. And best of all Solar thermal, energy efficient windows, and newspaper fluff insulation are all products that can be produced locally. You cant beat this job creating, environment saving, investment opportunity. And we can give everyone a real job.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Re: your heart
When I was pubescent I started to discovered the loose structure of logic..
The fact that I could "logically" paint myself into corners, from which I couldn't act unless I broke the rules of my logic.
I read some interesting books, "Sexpol" by Wilhem Reich, he debunks his contemporary Freud and monogamy as an institution. Reich makes a compelling argument for classic virginal marriage as the institution that suppresses sexual attraction and drives it out of respectable public sphere and into the seedy world of prostitution, where the sexual behaviors are over concentrated on a few public servants, and disease transmission is facilitated.
I found these theories compelling and was curious, so I tried open-relations*.
I suppressed jealousy, as it was universally recognized as bad, mythically bad!
Suppression didn't work for me, It twisted me up, as I pretended not to feel jealous, the reality of the jealous grew unchecked,,
So I realised that jealousy was a real feeling to respect, to listen to, to know myself with. This way it would not torment me. I could recognize it and gracefully/intentionally resolve my problems.
I latter would discover that anger too, was an important indicator of how I felt, and that shouldn't be suppressed either. Suppression of anger was like trying to contain a geyser. It just builds greater and greater till it overcomes the forces suppressing it, and explodes.
It was the persistent goading of a jealous friend, with whom we shared a lover, that helped me discover the value of recognizing and intentionally/gracefully releasing my anger. When I suppressed my anger; I seethed inside and started to plot for the first time in my life, I boiled inside and though I could carry the burning caustic brew through the bumps and trips of everyday life, it would rage and boil over when I was roadblocked with real problems.
I know recognized the tendency of ungrounded logic to misguide the body. I no longer tie myself to ideas that do not resonate with my heart. I use my heart, my emotions as the indicator, the compass with which to explore the shear kaleidoscopic potential of logic. If you listen to your heart to guide your dreaming logical, the solutions you find will be real. No more painting of oneself into corners.
I do not believe emotions are illogical/irrational. I believe they are the product of a complex, and true calculation, of ones conscious and subconscious experiences. And they produce a dependable true read of: true, false, offense, affection, love, fear, deception. I heed their warnings, and eat their fruits. And when I don't understand them, I ask myself why i feel that way, Sooner or later I unravel the puzzle, I will start to understand another facet of myself.
*Eventually, I personally, realised the depth of connection lovers find in committed relationship is amazing, and the theory of open sex relationships palled in comparison.
The fact that I could "logically" paint myself into corners, from which I couldn't act unless I broke the rules of my logic.
I read some interesting books, "Sexpol" by Wilhem Reich, he debunks his contemporary Freud and monogamy as an institution. Reich makes a compelling argument for classic virginal marriage as the institution that suppresses sexual attraction and drives it out of respectable public sphere and into the seedy world of prostitution, where the sexual behaviors are over concentrated on a few public servants, and disease transmission is facilitated.
I found these theories compelling and was curious, so I tried open-relations*.
I suppressed jealousy, as it was universally recognized as bad, mythically bad!
Suppression didn't work for me, It twisted me up, as I pretended not to feel jealous, the reality of the jealous grew unchecked,,
So I realised that jealousy was a real feeling to respect, to listen to, to know myself with. This way it would not torment me. I could recognize it and gracefully/intentionally resolve my problems.
I latter would discover that anger too, was an important indicator of how I felt, and that shouldn't be suppressed either. Suppression of anger was like trying to contain a geyser. It just builds greater and greater till it overcomes the forces suppressing it, and explodes.
It was the persistent goading of a jealous friend, with whom we shared a lover, that helped me discover the value of recognizing and intentionally/gracefully releasing my anger. When I suppressed my anger; I seethed inside and started to plot for the first time in my life, I boiled inside and though I could carry the burning caustic brew through the bumps and trips of everyday life, it would rage and boil over when I was roadblocked with real problems.
I know recognized the tendency of ungrounded logic to misguide the body. I no longer tie myself to ideas that do not resonate with my heart. I use my heart, my emotions as the indicator, the compass with which to explore the shear kaleidoscopic potential of logic. If you listen to your heart to guide your dreaming logical, the solutions you find will be real. No more painting of oneself into corners.
I do not believe emotions are illogical/irrational. I believe they are the product of a complex, and true calculation, of ones conscious and subconscious experiences. And they produce a dependable true read of: true, false, offense, affection, love, fear, deception. I heed their warnings, and eat their fruits. And when I don't understand them, I ask myself why i feel that way, Sooner or later I unravel the puzzle, I will start to understand another facet of myself.
*Eventually, I personally, realised the depth of connection lovers find in committed relationship is amazing, and the theory of open sex relationships palled in comparison.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
More about you:
I was supposed to fill in a box with text about myself.
In it I put, the most important lesson, I have had to date.
Its the one that gives me more perspective and less enemies.
We, as people, see the world as we want it to be.
We rarely see it as it is.
If we want to be effective agents of change,
to make the world as we want it to be.
We must first, be able to perceive the world around us, as it really is.
Rarely does this clarity of vision happen simply from desire, or loose intention.
Perspective is defined by experience, Most lives are lived within a specific defined social pathway.
We see intersect others on different pathways and through social prejudgement stay safely in our bubble.
Remember no one is evil, and when you find one you judge, try to understand what is human and alive and in them.
Once you find that humanity in them, you can begin to understand them, and maybe even raise there awareness.
I was by fate, placed in the shoes of the ones I had judged enemy. I had to ask myself how did I get here, was I wrong?
I discovered that many of the judgements I had: Judgements of who the enemies were, of what is wrong, These Judgements were taken at faith value, they were the product of peer pressure and social conditioning. Because these were values not associated with the dominant conventional culture, they were more often defined against conventional culture, I had never applied my protective critical analytical tools on them. In lefty culture there is allot of time spent defining the enemy. To be precise, the word enemy is never really used, that would be stooping to their level.
Be careful who you hate, and define negatively. They might just be natural human beings you don't understand. The more enemies you define, the less friend you have. The less friends you have the less mutually beneficial solutions you will find.
The social justice perspective I identified with growing up with, identified the person I would become as an enemy.
One day I discovered I was that enemy, and I was forced to reconcile two worlds. I was the dissident and the landlord.
I didn't really reconcile so much, as learned what was human in that "other", that enemy.
There was allot of reason and real human experience that was happening in the enemy camp.
The solutions are simple when you identify an enemy: You act against that enemy.
When that enemy becomes a human being deserving human respect, the "solutions" become more complex to find.
But when you find them, because they understand the truths of the problem they will be real solutions.
I don't actually think the person I was and the person I have become are substantially different.
I think, socially, I had learned to identify them as different. Having experienced both roles I can see experiences/stories from both sides.
To visually identify depth you need two different perspectives. Two eyeballs. To see the world, more as it is, you need diverse experiences.
I am very skeptical when enemies are being generally defined. I do still have "enemies", but they are specifically described by their actions.
I perceive my observation, analysis and judgement to by more accurate then most perspectives I have met.
And in many ways I feel genius. Conceptually.
But mostly I am a fool: regularly Mis-communicating myself, alienating, and feeling alienated from, many of the people I know and work with.
I end most days alone, with a perspective different from everyone else.
In it I put, the most important lesson, I have had to date.
Its the one that gives me more perspective and less enemies.
We, as people, see the world as we want it to be.
We rarely see it as it is.
If we want to be effective agents of change,
to make the world as we want it to be.
We must first, be able to perceive the world around us, as it really is.
Rarely does this clarity of vision happen simply from desire, or loose intention.
Perspective is defined by experience, Most lives are lived within a specific defined social pathway.
We see intersect others on different pathways and through social prejudgement stay safely in our bubble.
Remember no one is evil, and when you find one you judge, try to understand what is human and alive and in them.
Once you find that humanity in them, you can begin to understand them, and maybe even raise there awareness.
I was by fate, placed in the shoes of the ones I had judged enemy. I had to ask myself how did I get here, was I wrong?
I discovered that many of the judgements I had: Judgements of who the enemies were, of what is wrong, These Judgements were taken at faith value, they were the product of peer pressure and social conditioning. Because these were values not associated with the dominant conventional culture, they were more often defined against conventional culture, I had never applied my protective critical analytical tools on them. In lefty culture there is allot of time spent defining the enemy. To be precise, the word enemy is never really used, that would be stooping to their level.
Be careful who you hate, and define negatively. They might just be natural human beings you don't understand. The more enemies you define, the less friend you have. The less friends you have the less mutually beneficial solutions you will find.
The social justice perspective I identified with growing up with, identified the person I would become as an enemy.
One day I discovered I was that enemy, and I was forced to reconcile two worlds. I was the dissident and the landlord.
I didn't really reconcile so much, as learned what was human in that "other", that enemy.
There was allot of reason and real human experience that was happening in the enemy camp.
The solutions are simple when you identify an enemy: You act against that enemy.
When that enemy becomes a human being deserving human respect, the "solutions" become more complex to find.
But when you find them, because they understand the truths of the problem they will be real solutions.
I don't actually think the person I was and the person I have become are substantially different.
I think, socially, I had learned to identify them as different. Having experienced both roles I can see experiences/stories from both sides.
To visually identify depth you need two different perspectives. Two eyeballs. To see the world, more as it is, you need diverse experiences.
I am very skeptical when enemies are being generally defined. I do still have "enemies", but they are specifically described by their actions.
I perceive my observation, analysis and judgement to by more accurate then most perspectives I have met.
And in many ways I feel genius. Conceptually.
But mostly I am a fool: regularly Mis-communicating myself, alienating, and feeling alienated from, many of the people I know and work with.
I end most days alone, with a perspective different from everyone else.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
History Syllabus as we would write it.
Books and the parts of history they tell,
we define the historical experience by investigating, discussing and sharing.
Web 2.0 defines for me the point at which groups initiate, create, present, contributes, hosts and publishes the works of knowledge they see fit. Each person that sees room for innovation and improvement invites a community to create and define an that niche.
its our turn to write it
KNOWLEDGE//syllabus/our story of the human experience in five parts
we define the historical experience by investigating, discussing and sharing.
Web 2.0 defines for me the point at which groups initiate, create, present, contributes, hosts and publishes the works of knowledge they see fit. Each person that sees room for innovation and improvement invites a community to create and define an that niche.
its our turn to write it
KNOWLEDGE//syllabus/our story of the human experience in five parts
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